James Halstead have now released their interim results for the year ending 2018. Revenues increased by £6.5M when compared to the first half of last year and after cost of sales grew by £6.1M the operating profit was £382K higher. … Continue reading
James Halstead have now released their interim results for the year ending 2018. Revenues increased by £6.5M when compared to the first half of last year and after cost of sales grew by £6.1M the operating profit was £382K higher. … Continue reading
Easyjet has now released their final results for the year ended 2017. Revenues increased by £378M when compared to last year due to a £192M growth in Southern European revenue and a £164M increase in Northern European revenue. Fuel costs … Continue reading
Getech has now released their final results for the year ending 2017. It seems a little point comparing most of this as it’s not like for like but gross profit increased by £1.2M but the group incurred an operating loss, … Continue reading
Somero has now released their final results for the year ended 2017. Revenues increased when compared to last year as a $301K decline in US revenue was more than offset by a $1.6M increase in Canadian revenue and a $5M … Continue reading
Cambria Automobiles have now released their final results for the year ended 2017. Revenues increased when compared to last year with a £13.1M growth in used car revenue, an £11.3M increase in new car revenue and a £5.9M growth in … Continue reading