IQE has now released their interim results for the year ending 2018. Revenues increased when compared to the first half of last year as a £236K reduction in wireless revenue was more than offset by a £3.7M growth in photonic … Continue reading
IQE has now released their interim results for the year ending 2018. Revenues increased when compared to the first half of last year as a £236K reduction in wireless revenue was more than offset by a £3.7M growth in photonic … Continue reading
IQE has now released their final results for the year ended 2017. Revenues increased when compared to last year as a flat CMOS++ revenue and a £4.8M fall in license income from joint ventures was more than offset by a … Continue reading
IQE has now released its interim results for the year ending 2017. Revenues increased when compared to the first half of last year which included a 10% forex tailwind as a £169K decline in CMOS++ revenue was more than offset … Continue reading
IQE has now released its final results for the year ended 2016. Revenues increased when compared to last year, aided by currency benefits as a £1.4M decline in licence income and a £249K fall in CMOS++ revenue was more than … Continue reading
IQE has now released their interim results for the year ending 2016. Revenues increased when compared to the first half of last year with a £3.3M growth in photonic revenue, a £2.8M increase in wireless revenue and a £3.5M maiden … Continue reading
IQE has now released its final results for the year ended 2015. Revenues increased when compared to last year as a £9.6M decline in Wireless revenue and a £398K fall in IR revenue was more than offset by a £3.5M … Continue reading
IQE has now released its interim results for the year ending 2015. Revenues increased when compared to the first half of last year as an £876K reduction in wireless revenue was more than offset by a £1.6M growth in photonic … Continue reading
IQE is the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of advanced semiconductor wafer products and their finished products are compound semiconductor wafers, also called epiwafers. Their technology is found in smartphones, tablets and various other tech devices and their customers incorporate … Continue reading