Harvey Nash have now released their interim results for the year ending 2018. Revenues increased by £47.6M but cost of sales were up £46.7M to give a gross profit £929K higher. Depreciation was down £74K but other underlying admin costs … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Harvey Nash share blog
Harvey Nash has now released their final results for the year ended 2017. Revenues increased by £107.8M when compared to last year. Staff costs were up £5.4M and other cost of sales increased by £94.9M to give a gross profit … Continue reading
Harvey Nash has now released its interim results for the year ending 2017. Revenues increased when compared to the first half of last year mainly due to favourable currency movements as a £1.1M decline in Central Europe revenue was more … Continue reading
Harvey Nash has now released its final results for the year ended 2016. Revenues declined when compared to last year as a £4.1M growth in UK & Ireland revenue, a £6.9M increase in USA revenue and a £4.6M growth in … Continue reading