Laura Ashley has now released its final results for the year ended 2016. For some strange reason the group seems to have neglected to provide a like for like contrast so these results represent 74 weeks of 2016 and 52 … Continue reading
Laura Ashley has now released its final results for the year ended 2016. For some strange reason the group seems to have neglected to provide a like for like contrast so these results represent 74 weeks of 2016 and 52 … Continue reading
Laura Ashley has now released its interim results for the year ending 2015. Overall, revenues fell when compared to the first half of last year as a £1M growth in e-commerce sales and a £400K increase in hotel revenue was … Continue reading
Laura Ashley has now released its final results for the year ending 2015. Overall revenues increased when compared to last year as store revenue was up £5M, e-commerce revenue increased by £3.8M and hotel revenue was up £500K, partially offset … Continue reading
Laura Ashley has now released their half year results for the year ending 2015. Revenues were up across all sectors with non-retail revenue showing a particularly good improvement, up £2.1M to £17.7M. Cost of sales also increased to give a … Continue reading
Laura Ashley has now released their full year results for the year ending 2014. Retail revenue was down when compared to last year with store revenue falling by £3.3M and E-commerce/mail revenue down by a disappointing £1.5M. This was somewhat … Continue reading